To you, O Lord, we bring a treasure, greater than the mountains, deeper than the ocean and more glorious than the sun; a gift outweighing all creation, even the gift of our heart, to be laid at your feet, to be placed on your breast, to be embraced by your Spirit. Amen.

Mechtild of Magdeburg (c. 1210-1280) 

Prayer for our church
God of love, we pray for this church
where your love has been known for many years.
We pray that we will welcome everyone in Jesus’ name
and that, as your love pours in,
it will overflow to our neighbours.
May each person come to know that they are loved by you
and to love you in return.
May all grow in faith as we learn and pray together,
and may our faith be seen in action. Amen.

Vision Team, Lindley Methodist Church, Huddersfield