We bring to you, O Lord, our poverty of soul to be transformed by your beauty; our waywardness of passion to be tamed by your love; our stubbornness of will to be conformed to your commandments and our coldness of heart to be enkindled by your grace; now and for ever. Amen.

Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510)

Lord Jesus, wherever I am in my life, you know me.
When I am first in the thoughts of friends and family because of challenges I face,
when I am last in their thoughts because we have not been in touch recently,
when I am somewhere in the middle, on an ordinary day of mixed blessings,
you know me, you know them, you love us all wherever we are.
Be the first in my thoughts in the midst of my challenges.
Have the last word in restoring my relationships, that all may glorify you. Amen.

Andrew Fox, Shetland District Deputy Chair